Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Reruns Of Martin

Jonny: Do you ever say and do stupid sh*t Jon? Not out of spite or anger or for laughs; just because you're you?

Jon: I think inherently as a human, we are supposed to dumb sh*t for no reason, what do you mean exactly?

Jonny: For example, someone asked me what book would I recommend for them to read based off of our conversation. We discussing the 'the black man's plight' and how better to serve those who are and have been under-served not just in urban or rural communities, but in general. From a homeless veteran to a young POC man earning a degree in Politics.

Jon: So what book did you recommend?

Jonny: I recommended Between the World and Me by Ta-Nehisi Coates to expand on the numerous facilitators that threaten to disembody black men and black women,

Jon: That's dope, well what did the book say about those threats? How should we deal with them?

Jonny: I am not sure, I only read the first paragraph of the synopsis on Wikipedia.

Jon: ....

Jonny: ...

Jon: ............

Jonny: Like at a certain age, it is expected for you to answer questions and continue on with conversation, correct? Why would I pause mid-conversation, as an adult, just to convey my idiocracy with a question? And as an adult, at this point in my life, it is time to STOP learning and START talking. I have taken full responsibility for my incompetence at my seasoned age,

Jon: Do you truly think at this point of your modern life you are done learning and taking on or in new points of view? When doid the age of 25 promote complacency and competence? Your adulthood should be constantly fluid with new opportunities and innovation and experiences as you evolve through the different stages of your life,

Jonny: But you're forgetting I am an IDIOT and if people find out, then conversations become dumb and boring and useless. I have been tricking people into believing I'm an interesting and intelligent guy.

Jon: But what if you're ACTUALLY both of those things?

Jonny: Don't patronize me n*gga. Forrealla though, we have a super computer in the palm of our hands and no one talks about it. There is a whole sea of knowledge and tips to everlasting wealth, and no one is honing in on this infinite resource of vital information for your everyday prosperity. You know what I did with my super computer that can literally contact the Vice President if I wanted and knew how too?

Jon: Did you watch Infinity Wars trailers again?

Jonny: I watched Infinity Wars trailers again,

Jon: Well why would you put this cap on your own self ? You tell yourself "yup this is just how it is forever" and stay in this futile, semi-veggie state of mind? How would anyone get to their full potential or overall full-self without the constant need to break down knowledge and rebuilding by using what you just learned? You literally do this when you exercise on a more palatable, tangible form for hours a week. And you know this better than I do: if you're going to be the ultimate best version of yourself, why you or anyone prematurely stop?

Jonny: It's sort of this confidence that I am 'done' learning. In this confidence that I am an imbecile. It makes me content and I've come to terms with it. It's not that I know anything or that I am arrogant; I'm fairly sure my brain has been running overcapacity since sophomore year at Salem High. Everything else crammed in there has been a nice bonus.

Yes there is the confidence of being inquisitive and helping to not only improve yourself but one day raise a family. Even with this basic conversation, I thought a little bit further in the future: why would I add another little Jon to the world when I know where I am intellectually now. Even if I marry the Nubian Goddess Zendaya, most likely half of that kid's mentality is going to be my drive, or lack thereof. I know where I am, a heap of wasted potential. And I am tired of everything.

Why does nobody talk about how much water sucks to drink? Who's going to actually check the random percentage that I made up about abortion rates in Missouri? You can post anything on the internet and people won't even care if it's fact or even click on the link. I think I am more aware because I am acknowledging it. I just want to sit with my legs cross-legged and die when I am supposed too. If there is even a chance that a kid shot through my dingy is going to have that lack of energy, what's the point of reading a book on why n*ggas are getting sh*tted on to impress a girl at the coffee shop?

Jon: Hold that, a girl? What is she like,

Jonny: Jon, she was Ethiopian, loves Steve Lacy, loves kids, 6"1, and that thang looked like a swam possum with the mumps,

Jon: You know what, I MUST be overthinking it. Tekashi Oats was that n*gga you say?

Image result for the breaks kurtis blow

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