Tuesday, May 14, 2019

You Started Rapping When You Wasn't Good at Basketball

Sometimes it is difficult to talk to my peers about stuff. And by stuff, I mean things. And by things, I mean, erghh words.

Jon has discussed this before but I keep hearing about self-love, self-growth, self-esteem, yadda-yadda. That has become such a huge topic with black people over the past few years because negros weren't out here taking care of their mental states. Like to colored folks therapy wasn't cool in 2013; yoga was for the outlandish who wore waist beads; Childish Gambino was (and is) a Weirdo. I was watching "The Carmichael Show" and Loretta Devine aka Everybody's Momma in the show had PTSD. How could a black middle-class mother with two handsome kids in this long, everlasting marriage have any anxiety? 

I asked Jonny Boy and we concluded, fairly certain black moms aren't robots. Neither or black sons. Or black sisters. Or black men. Or I don't know, maybe black people? Everybody is strugglin' and some people love strugglin' in their own way. Just because Loretta's character wasn't getting hit with drive-bys off MLK or crackheads doing ill-advised cartwheels in their living doesn't mean everything is chill in Chile.

Hold on remember Jon is confidently an idiot, inept at most things. Let us not forget the 1-hour spent working on my Master's at Norfolk State where I confidently shook my head and walked out the class. But for real consider the following: I think black people really do "g*ve fuck". Wait I bleeped out the wrong word. 

Have you ever walked down the street in Negrotown and overheard conversations? People inherently will recite "fuck what you th*nk, don't effect me" "I d*n't give a fuck" Niggas b* tr*ppin' ov*r dumbass shit"

But niggas r*ally do care! You hear it in music, the cracks in one's voice, the compassion when one of us gets killed by some donut totin' officer. Do influencers use social media and post on the gram or send snaps honestly do not care about what people say about them even though they say they don't.  All of these external factors honestly don't matter if we can't start working on within. I'll be the one to say I give all of th* fucks, every single one. I do not care who it is, I care 300% what people think about me. It doesn't effect my overall mental attributes much besides making sure everybody who comes in a close proximity of JODY feels like they are interacting with a pillow. Which of course is a whole other problem.

Even if I wasn't on social media, why would Jonny not care about what people thought of me? I am naturally a happy, and blindly optimistic person. And I love what I can do for people and what people can do for me. But not everybody is for JODY to love and JODY can't love every one. Not everyone is going to check in on me or talk and cheer me on from the bleachers. Not every one will meet me halfway. And sometimes it hurts. But those are the Jons' jobs. 

Damn did I punctuate that correctly?

Image result for black party bloom
bLack pARty produced and performed "Bloom" which promotes self-love and growth that has been one of my favorite subjects to talk about with my peers.

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