Wednesday, February 6, 2019

Radio Ladio

I love my mom.
I love my dad.
I love my brother.
I love rap music.
I love gospel.
I love indie electronic-dance music.
I love running 5ks.
I love yoga.
I love video games.
I love my two dozen tattoos.
I love science.
I love teaching.
I love kissing people on the cheek.
I love dogs.
I love Jody.
I love my skin.
I love my receding hairline.
I Love Isaiah Rashad.
I love being from the south.
I love MF DOOM.
I love cosplaying.
I love races.
I love the name Virginia & Clementine.
I love chicken pad thai.
I love Terry Crews, The Rock, and Idris Elba.
I love pain.
I love soreness.
I love the 20 people who regularly read my blog.
I love progress.
I love cole slaw & baked beans on a sandwich.
I love when my roommate's friends leave alcohol leftover from a party.
I love my uncle.
I love my auntie.
I love Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World.
I love Radio Ladio by Metronomy.
I love white liquor.
I love gainz.
I love referencing strip clubs in Portsmouth.
I love Cousin Skeeter, Sandy, Beanie Baby, KAT, RisaLion, Jamal, and Renny.
I love plaid-collared shirts.
I love using nicknames for everybody in my contact list.
I love ugly sweaters.
I love rolling up the sleeves on my plaid-collared shirts.
I love doing Young Jeezy ab-lids.
I love cocoa butter kisses from old black ladies.
I love thick thighs and child-bearing hips.
I love NBA 2k.
I love Jon.
I love the security hard in high school who thought I was in a gang.
I love pizza.
I love dancing awkwardly on social media.
I love black superheroes.
I love christmas lights specifically when it is not Christmas.
I love apples.
I love black sitcoms from the '90s and early '00s.
I love trying my hardest.
I love Toro Y Moi.
I love when people pick-up the phone.
I love doing the Wakanda salute in Warrior 2.
I love Ben Wallace.
I love fried potatoes.
I love saying the n-word.
I love when people give me hugs without asking.
I love...

Radio Ladio by Metronomy was my first intro to indie EDM and needless to say, I completely lost my mind.

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