She asked me if I wanted to move in with her.
Move in with her
She asked me when I wanted to get married.
Getting married, getting married
She asked me if I wanted to have kids.
Having kids, having kids, having kids
She wanted me to move in with her by September, get married in January, and have a kid or two on our honeymoon in Madrid. Two weeks after our my "Last of Us 2" party with Dee, Skeeter, and Skeeter's brother in an Applebee's. So I turned and did a whimsical glance to her forehead. And this is what I asked her in an unforgiving tone:
Why is my momma's cookin' so tasty and delicious and everything yo' momma makes smells and tastes like chitlins and old collard greens,
Why y'all keep making slave biopics but won't feed my mule (ya' momma is the mule),
Why don't you support my dreams even though my dream is to have a dream about a dream,
Why is it weird to be normal but not normal to weird,
Why are people not as obsessed with their own self, there's so many cool things about you,
Why did I run over 1,000 miles this year, just to always end back up at the same place I started,
Why can't I love myself like how Kanye Love Kanye,
Why is Chris Brown unable to function as decent human being,
Why do people eat grits when you can eat real, edible food for breakfast,
Why do people take out their earphones but still don't listen,
Why are people not allowed to get their fingernails painted and cry if they have a penis,
Why don't you got my back like Heromine had Harry's, Drake had Josh's, or Jim Carrey had Jim Carrey's,
Why use lots word when few words do trick,
Why do flies like the smell of poop,
Why are there always flies when I sit beside you while you watch "Big Bang Theory",
Why do you watch "Big Bang Theory",
Why does no one care about cornbread unless it's gentrified,
Why do rappers lie in 85% of they rhymes,
And how come whenever you visit my momma, you always cursin'?
Why would I want to have a kid with you when I barely see you as it is, on any plane of existence, and I don't think a kid wants to smell like fish all their entire life.
And I was thinking about how can I have a bachelor part y if I am not getting married to you in January or February. Nor march. Nor the 21st night or day of September.
And I am not moving in with you because your favorite artist is Jason Derulo.
No one listens to Jason Derulo.